Thursday, March 24, 2005

Wine Haikus

My friend Amy recently got my mind spinning on haikus after she told me that she comes up with haikus during her rather painful daily drive through Seattle's traffic mess. Haikus are incredibly deceptive little beasts -- at once very easy to understand and difficult to write well.

A post on eGullet suggested folks try writing a few haikus about wine and another eGullet member pointed out a wine haiku blog of sorts! Some of those are outstanding. I can't resist. I may even make a practice of boring folks to tears with wine haikus... though it would certainly seem a bit strange if not rude to spout one off at a tasting. :)

A Zinfandel grape
before the day, gone too young
a June coyote

Vines in need of care
tangled unidentified
no grapes, rain soaked buds

Oh, and what discussion about haikus could go without mentioning one of my favorite sites on the web: a random haiku generator (actually, there are many).


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